Some of these cold days, scared sick of snow.
I do the same for those cold days, scared sick of complaints about the snow, drifting literally everywhere.
And why complain? Is it in his heart of hearts you do not acknowledge that fallen foul weather - it's good! Do not believe me? Let's take the points.
The first and most simple - how to clean the air in our capital! Unable to come to the surface snow, garbage heap freezed, flattened under the miasma of snow drifts.
Primerzshie to the courts many days, cars are not dumped into the atmosphere of its stench, and their drivers were forced to, gritting his teeth, frozen to wait for the computer racing.
However, smoking at the same time anymore.
Second . Do not left the yard - to save on gasoline, save money on an unnecessary trip to the store, they had saved for a trip to a restaurant and entertainment center.
My wife had to prepare myself and the children suddenly felt an interest in the game of international checkers. Again, save money on birthday nephew uncle Israfil. "At this ice, we drove, drove, but did not reach! So sorry! "
A nephew quietly rejoiced in interpreting the present.
Third . Prior to his work, too, of course, is not reached. Froze the organization and office centers. Covered with ice patterns, banks and boutiques. Half of the worker stayed in the apartments, the other with a view of experienced polar explorers have returned earlier, saying, "Who knows what the weather will be in the evening." As a result, all well rested, taking the time to talk with your family, have read the book, still pending in the seventh grade, revised with a fresh interest in the movie "The Day After Tomorrow."
Prior to his work, too, of course, is not reached. Froze the organization and office centers
Fourth . Everything is falling from the sky has been the subject of endless discussions and debates. Gone are the awkward pauses and feverish meditation, how to start a conversation with the beloved in-law.
Some of the British appeared relaxed, has a good practice to discuss the views of the further development of meteorological events, especially sitting by the fireplace and looking at the crackling logs. Well, or clinging to the oil cooler and looking at the figures in the fast running meter.
Weather forecasts in TV and on websites vybilis leaders in the ratings. It used to be a news program ended with cold-blooded "And in conclusion - weather ..." Today the weather - the main theme. And then blame her for it? This, apparently, our main difference from the British. They talk about the weather near the fireplace. We criticize the weather at the oil cooler.
Finally, the most important . Snowy weather united nation. Rallied around the hatred of some unprofessional services. Rallied under the slogan "We are the capital, or where?", "In the winter there is snow! Mayor, buy yourself a book of natural history! ", Well, etc.
Public utilities were the common enemy, but, alas, is not the case when the small number of the enemy - a comforting fact.
But many amateurs and idlers cheered and raised their self-esteem, realizing that there are people working worse than them.
Slips, stalled, iced the people felt a whole. All together breathed on reddened hands, carefully crunched along the path, taking a step by step through the shiny surface, it is still painful to flop on the fifth point and shout in unison of thought about the relatives of those who are not cleaned. And the fifth point is equally ill at the tailors, managers, plumbers, artists, and even, say, the deputy ministers.
Slips, stalled, iced the people felt a single entity
All together, together, in unison. It is really important! As long as the people's favorite type of construction - fences, no one factor that unites us, can not be neglected!
My friend ... met the New Year in Lapland. This is the Finnish Arctic.
He moved the family there - to meet with this Santa Claus, see and touch real snow.
Spent on travel seven thousand euros!
And to you she came to Lapland! And you're still unhappy.
You may grumble.
You can not please. Well, then, since you are right!
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